Take a Minute | Teen Ink

Take a Minute

March 18, 2019
By laarterburn SILVER, Overland Park, Kansas
laarterburn SILVER, Overland Park, Kansas
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Taking a minute out of her day she stops in her tracks.

Leaving knots for her to untangle, the wind attacks her hair while

The bitter breeze brings her to a shiver, she has grown foreign to the cold.

Fixing her hair and hugging her torso, she thinks back to when she was young.

Maple trees line the path, similar to the ones she once knew,

Standing tall and strong, shading her on a summer’s day from the hot sun

Shading her mind from her bad thoughts with their comforting aura.

Stroking the rough, dry bark of the tree, an earthy smell came to her attention.

A pond lay near the trees, emitting a distinct smell that she remembers.

Consumed by algae and appearing lifeless she remembers all of the joy a pond can bring.

The feeling of the slimy, slick water touching her feet while she fished in the shallow waters.

Watching the dragonflies dance above the pond with the fireflies as the sun would set.

Behind the pond were hills, hills that she envisioned herself rolling down,

Being consumed by the long, itchy green grass that made a swoosh as she rolled,

Garnishing her clothes with fresh patches of green and leaving her with a spinning head.

Her head now spinning like when she was young, she continued to walk. Her minute was up.


Kissed by the fresh breeze and glowing with a newfound light,

She walks on with a hop in her step, like a child experiencing life for the first time.

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