Night and Day | Teen Ink

Night and Day

March 26, 2019
By Rickster1616 BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
Rickster1616 BRONZE, Overland Park, Kansas
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Binded by blood from before our existence

Yet between our personalities lies a large distance

He’s the yin to my yang, minus all the tranquility

We’re more akin to Heaven and Hell with all the volatility

A harbinger of chaos in my daily life

In my room, more dangerous than a knife

An admired angel in the spotlight

A dangerous devil in the moonlight

Yet fate pulls us back together

Our lives on divergent paths but held by a tether

And from the friction arises motivation

Through thick and thin we lend inspiration

Any challenges we face, we shall smother

For there is no word more powerful than “brother”

The author's comments:

We had an assignment to write a parent poem, but I forgot and accidentally wrote a sibling poem instead. 

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