Love - Hate Relationship | Teen Ink

Love - Hate Relationship

April 15, 2019
By sapande BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
sapande BRONZE, Olathe, Kansas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A celebration of many bloodlines

Colors bursting and hearts breaking apart

Remembrance of loved ones with divine shrines

Decorating every corner of Mexico with wreath

Happiness as a mask in order to shield grief

Winter enters with the colors of leaf

Death, one who eternally welcomes us

With a devious smile and outstretched arms

From elderly, to young, to boy, to girls

Death entices them to follow him to his charm

Day of Dead a love-hate relationship

Love for the deceased and lost kinship

Hatred for the boldness of Death to harm

Death enthroned with the crown of loath and shame

The author's comments:

This poem is about the Day of the Dead, a festival/celebration celebrated primarly in Mexico and other Spanish-speaking countries. However, a bit of a twist on the concept of death vs love in the context of this celebration.

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