A glimpse of happiness | Teen Ink

A glimpse of happiness

May 14, 2019
By joynaej BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
joynaej BRONZE, Dallas, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Thy eyes were fixed on his beautiful face

Thou asked me the question I had feared

Thou went numb and my heart began to race

The moment actually became weird

It was all just a glimpse of happiness

The rainbow finally came to an end

No carriage awaited thou in this mess

I did not know what the devil would send

I didn’t want to tell him my feelings

I was always told that love was a lie

The relationship was not worth healing

Thou walked away without saying goodbye

I never felt a love like this before

As thy heart went running out of the door

The author's comments:

Joynae Johnson is a senior in the School of Health Professions at Yvonne A. Ewell Townview Magnet Center.  She is 18 years old. Born and raised in Dallas, Texas. Joynae will be attending Philander Smith College, a private Historically Black College in Little Rock, Arkansas For the past eight years Joynae has spent her years performing at The Black Academy of Arts and Letters. She is also very involved in church and her community.

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