A Bolt From the Blue | Teen Ink

A Bolt From the Blue

November 25, 2019
By Jailbreak BRONZE, Culpeper, Virginia
Jailbreak BRONZE, Culpeper, Virginia
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The wreck slowed 

Trauma immediately showed

 Paralysis and stupor set in 

Disbelief feeling thick like sin 

The jolt that hits the soul grows 

The intensity thick as snow

Mindless movements become kin 

All this Because of shock’s win


The sickly glow 

 Reaping what they sow 

Repeating again and again 

Never escaping grief’s grip 


Always being followed 

Watched by those you know 

The shock returns every now and then 

Picking off the scab through neosporin 

Then in the heart forever hollow

A very hard pill to swallow

Shock’s  new friend

 As life’s new chapter begins  

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