Heartroken Sonnet | Teen Ink

Heartroken Sonnet

February 2, 2020
By Tuguldur BRONZE, Newmarket, Ontario
Tuguldur BRONZE, Newmarket, Ontario
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"A lion does not concern himself with the opinions of the sheep"-Tywin Lannister

Because of you my heart was torn apart

Sometimes I think why you couldn't love me more

You left me in trash like a homeless cat

Breaking all the oaths that we both once swore

I still remember the day that you left

Following the guy who were once my friend 

After everything is that what I get?

Thoughts about you, led my mind to the dead-end

No, but I need to forget you, leave you

Start a new life path and follow my dreams

Need to think about things and overview

After knowing how hard the love it is

I wish you luck with him and please live well

Goodbye my love, that’s the last thing to tell.

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