Without You | Teen Ink

Without You

December 15, 2020
By Anonymous

Without you, I would be disconsolate,

When you leave my happiness will follow,

My mind slowly becoming desolate.

And without you my body feels hollow. 

Sad as I would be saddening quickly,

My mind would subside and start to withdraw.

Without you, I begin to fall sickly.

Rhyme or reason I can’t seem to recall,

My body becoming an empty shell,

Holding what is my dying lifeless soul.

But on the outside, nobody can tell,

That I'm near being sucked into a hole

Oh, sweet boy, how this love is meant for two,

And now I surely can't live without you.

The author's comments:

This piece is dedicated to my lovely significant other whom I live very much and wish to never be without.

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