Doubt | Teen Ink


July 12, 2021
By Galdon2-0 BRONZE, Birmingham, Alabama
Galdon2-0 BRONZE, Birmingham, Alabama
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

I escape from boredom, mind racing fast
Every second can’t help but draw out
Never moving near fast enough, frozen
Every choice looks giant stifling the past
How can’t I think wrong about this world
Neither prized or cherished, memories fall
How can I stop without losing it all
I escape from boredom into fear, masked

What of hope found in midst the mystery?

            Haven’t I gone down to depths and back up?

See my memories, my precious history.

            Each failure a lesson—my skin now tough.

Dark world prepare your ears, hear my story;
Here lies immovable the won’t burn up!

The author's comments:

I wrote this piece for myself and anyone else who feels stuck in their life. For the people who just can't quite move forward no matter what they do, as a reminder that they are worth the effort.

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