I wish I was a Hawk | Teen Ink

I wish I was a Hawk

February 4, 2022
By FabianMele BRONZE, Oak Lawn, Illinois
FabianMele BRONZE, Oak Lawn, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I wish I was a hawk, flying through the sky’s,
Because if I was a hawk; I’d be able to enjoy the breeze
The thrill of life would suit me fine,
There would be no need to walk, or drive and wait in traffic.
Be able to glide through air
No need of being late, no need for inpatients.
I’d have to be a fast hawk, be able to travel around the world
No plane ticket or crying baby, just me and the sky's
I’d be having a blast, traveling through the world,
After all ,if it gets to cold, I can fly intel the weather suits me.
I wouldn’t have to worry about being late or early,
Spend my days flying, enjoying the sky’s

So, I wish I was a hawk flying through the skies
If I was a hawk, what a thrilling life it would be for me

The author's comments:

I would like to be able to fly

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