February 8, 2022
By sarxxh BRONZE, San Jose, California
sarxxh BRONZE, San Jose, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

How are you scared of the dark? I can't be.

I’ve tried to escape the living madness,

Searching for an exit, an escape hole,

But come up empty handed, same status. 

To escape, is something I do want, but 

I've grown acquainted with the dark, funny.  

Staying put in this draining scene, for what? 

Lost in discourse, broken symphony

To be complete is something I can’t achieve. 

My legs go where they go, eyes are blinded

In this labyrinth, I can only wander aimlessly.

To be free leaves me so empty minded 

And yet, i still treat this as my retreat 

Past the light, the darkness cannot compete.

The author's comments:

This poem is about being lost in my own despair and sadness, that no matter what I try, I can't "Escape" it. In a way, I've grown a comfort zone living in this darkness, yet still wanting to step out of that place. This poem is about feeling lost in life (the labyrinth), but holding on to that hope for an escape. 

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