The Truth I Wont Say | Teen Ink

The Truth I Wont Say

October 31, 2022
By RipleyFallz GOLD, Moscow, Pennsylvania
RipleyFallz GOLD, Moscow, Pennsylvania
10 articles 1 photo 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
The villian will always be the villian if the hero tells the story.

The secret I cannot share with you, is mostly everything

I won't ever tell you I hide so much cause that may sting

I feel I can't be honest with you no matter how hard I try to

Although it's quite odd I always feel so comfortable around you

I know in my heart you love me back

But maybe it's reassurance that I lack

Yet in my mind I've mistaken love for hate

I wish my mind could just be an open gate

My mind has started to make my heart ache

As it whispers its lies my heart's beginning to break

I think I'm addicted to loving you and believing my mind's lies

I wish i could express this to you but you'll only see me at my highs


Even though I love you so dear

Judgment will always be my greatest fear

The author's comments:

Written for a person I love wholeheartedly, but I am scared to let my guard down around them. 

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