Blast Off | Teen Ink

Blast Off

November 18, 2022
By lucasmlines SILVER, Redondo Beach, California
lucasmlines SILVER, Redondo Beach, California
6 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Thou blast off at the speed of light

Not much time, goes away with a snap

The moment it begins to unwrap

The feeling comes, only when it’s right

It makes everything feel alright

Between these moments, there is a gap

And then it all turns to white

I long for this feeling, being present always

I just wish, oh so faintly, that it would stay

But it never does, coming in short rays

This itch, never fading, refusing to decay

None of this stops me, I’ll search through the haze

I’ll blast off, if that is what it takes, I pray, oh I pray

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