Now a Paper Once a Tree | Teen Ink

Now a Paper Once a Tree MAG

December 3, 2022
By RipleyFallz GOLD, Moscow, Pennsylvania
RipleyFallz GOLD, Moscow, Pennsylvania
10 articles 1 photo 8 comments

Favorite Quote:
The villian will always be the villian if the hero tells the story.

People never seem to notice the real me
Well, they do but only when they are in need
Then they use and change me, I used to be a tree
I cry while they cut away at my branches I begin to bleed

I’ve now taken a new form, I am now paper
Even in my new form I go unnoticed until I’m useful
I’m boring until they print on me calling me a ‘newspaper’
I was just a tree forced to be paper, does that not seem at all abuseful?

People hand kids these crayons to give me some color
At least it’s better than when they scrape me with ink all over
I also get the ‘pleasure’ of being the paper given to a graduating scholar
Why me? Why a tree? Did I do something wrong? Why not the four leaf clover?

People have never seemed to really noticed me much
For I was a tree now a paper that people hold in their clutch

The author's comments:

I tried to make this poem like a metaphor for how people are changed from their true selves to whatever society tells them to be. Often when people allow society change them they are still in misery. 

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