The Mystery Lover | Teen Ink

The Mystery Lover

June 2, 2023
By ykaur BRONZE, Freash Meadows, New York
ykaur BRONZE, Freash Meadows, New York
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I can not believe that I am telling you this.

I can not wait but say that I like you.

You are perfect for me. I can not resist.

I feel warm when I see you. I wish you knew.

Your beautiful eyes, I could just drown in them.

That summer day I saw you for the first time.

You were so attractive, just like a gem.

You are fantastic, you remind me of the zesty lime.

This girl is elegant, she is appraising. 

You are the person that makes my heart race.

This girl is awesome and is so amazing.

I like that you are nice and like to dance. 

It’s as if you were sent from up above. 

We have a connection, my lovely dove.  

The author's comments:

Hi, I am a student from the East-West School of International Studies and this is a Shakespeare Sonnet I wrote. 

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