A Moon's Journey | Teen Ink

A Moon's Journey

June 15, 2023
By e_mike11 BRONZE, New York, New York
e_mike11 BRONZE, New York, New York
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

The playful moon begins to fly. With a sparkle in its shiny light, It goes on adventures through the night.

It hides among the smiling stars, Dancing and giggling from afar. It paints the world in a silver hue, With secrets and tricks, just for you.

Through fluffy clouds, it peeks and spies, On sleepy towns, it casts its eyes. It whispers secrets to the night breeze, Tickling trees and rustling leaves.

The moon loves games, it loves to play, Guiding dreams along the way. It turns the dark into stories, so grand, With its magic touch, across the land.

But as the sun starts to rise, The moon retreats, it softly sighs. It says goodbye, until the night, When it returns, shining bright.

So look up and you will see, The moon's adventures, wild and free. Its light brings joy, both near and far, A mischievous moon, the shining star. 

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