Freedom | Teen Ink


February 26, 2024
By Ingrid-Fu GOLD, New Milford, Connecticut
Ingrid-Fu GOLD, New Milford, Connecticut
17 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Outstanding’s in vain that morass she fell 

You need a man to seek for your own place

Like frail garniture pretty and futile

They say it’s a girl we’d rather not raise

Rejects but forced to grovel in dwine

So they live like wild beasts submerged in greed

I knew their guilty of coveting mine

Shields their innocence of hypocrisy

But please set me free without them you’ll find

I’m still that summer day so pure and warm

Escape from shackles of compliant mind

Why repress my beauty deject in norm

So untie my hair in the wind it flows

Dream my own life they’re never in control

The author's comments:

Reflecting on the neglected voices of women in society, family, and relationships.

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