Je t'aime ma cherie | Teen Ink

Je t'aime ma cherie

May 18, 2010
By Hellishangel BRONZE, McLeansboro, Illinois
Hellishangel BRONZE, McLeansboro, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Omnia vincit amor (Love conquers all)

I am in love with a girl named Whitney.
Pretty and beautiful, I do want her.
She’s my wants, my needs, my necessity,
I want to hold her just like a lover.

A soft caress from her arms would be great,
A kiss though would take me away from earth.
I must look at her, it seems so irate,
But to look at her it has so much worth.

I want to protect her from all her fears,
Comfort her when she is down and be there,
To hold her and wipe away all her tears.
Lost in her eyes her heart is like a snare.

So amazing, so great, funny and kind,
Her existence, my heart is in a bind.

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