Sonnet for Mrs. Rosa | Teen Ink

Sonnet for Mrs. Rosa

March 9, 2011
By Amanda Suarez BRONZE, Miami, Florida
Amanda Suarez BRONZE, Miami, Florida
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

When I saw his smile I knew it was love
His eyes shined brightly like the blazing sun
My heart fluttered fastr like a flying dove
He never failed to make sure I had fun

But quickly things changed they werent the same
His love for me crumbled in a short spain
For all this pain he was the one to blame
Missing him this much was never the plan

There is no use in being heartbroken
After all every guy is the same
Good things don’t come from left unspoken
You cant have a rainbow without some rain

As bad as everything now may be,
Things will get better with time you will see

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