Angels | Teen Ink


March 21, 2011
By frankiefall3n SILVER, Thornwood, New York
frankiefall3n SILVER, Thornwood, New York
7 articles 0 photos 8 comments

Favorite Quote:

Oh angels, Oh angels are you only in the white sky?
My prayers never heard,
Throughout all silence the weak will cry.
My vision becomes blurred.

Oh angels, Oh angels why can't you save me from the sand?
My voice was never loud at all,
Soon I'll be one with the land.
I'm struggling like an infant learning how to crawl.

Oh angels, Oh angels just for once answer my voice,
My touch is ripped away,
Take me or leave me; let it be your choice.
My life to regain or a beautiful rose bouquet.

Slowly I begin to wither like a leaf in the fall,
Only left to haunt these hall's.

The author's comments:
My creative wrting teacher told me to write about angels and I figured I'd give it a shot in this is the final product of what I wrote.

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