Love Too Late | Teen Ink

Love Too Late

January 8, 2013
By Zachary Helms BRONZE, Apex, North Carolina
Zachary Helms BRONZE, Apex, North Carolina
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You didn’t know exactly how I felt
I ever wanted you to leave, please stay
When you had left I had begun to melt
For I fell in love as you walked away

We were together on every weekday
Although, we were not really “together”
I did not realize that I felt this way
Down deep I wanted your love forever

Now you gone, now I know my love was strong
I want you bad and I’ll do what it takes
I don’t like this road I travel along
Because without you, all of my heart aches

I am sad..... WOW, she is like a new pearl.
I don’t now so I got this new girl.

The author's comments:
Life happens, you just have to look for opportunities to move on.

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