Love not Lust | Teen Ink

Love not Lust

January 22, 2013
By arely12893 BRONZE, North Chicago, Illinois
arely12893 BRONZE, North Chicago, Illinois
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Don't judge someone by what they do, judge them by what they do after.

When I first saw you,
I knew it was love at first sight.
I didn’t know what to do.
I was so scared, so full of fright.

You started walking towards me.
My heart pounding fast,
I started shaking down to my knees.
If we had a relationship, I knew I wanted it to last.

I kept telling myself to keep it all calm,
To not make it a rush.
But how can I do that with such sweaty palm?
So full of words, I had to keep my mouth hush.

Let’s make it love, not lust.
Let’s not make it a you or me, but us.

The author's comments:
He know who he is.

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