My Babe | Teen Ink

My Babe

March 4, 2013
By BRONZE, Warrington, Pennsylvania BRONZE, Warrington, Pennsylvania
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"If anybody ever asks you to do something, do it wrong so you never get asked again."

The moment I found out, my mind was bent,
on a rainbow illumined on the ground.
Between eardrums, a humming – persistent.
She would be an intense, undying sound.

Nine months to nurture, what will be my blood.
Nine months to find love in another one.
Nine months to wait for an impending flood.
Nine months until her smile fuels my sun.

Alas, the barricade has been subdued,
in separating from my precious girl.
Forever humans – we cannot allude,
yet I’ll need her like a clam needs a pearl.

But birth became unpleasant – a train wreck.
Umbilical cord ‘round her tiny neck.

The author's comments:
My cousin is in the United States Air Force. Last year he was deployed to Afghanistan and his wife was pregnant. In January 2013, he was sent home on emergency leave because his wife had a stillborn about a week or two before she was supposed to give birth.

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