Love of mine, You. | Teen Ink

Love of mine, You.

March 20, 2013
By Mejakola97 BRONZE, Rowlett, Texas
Mejakola97 BRONZE, Rowlett, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part!!!

Love of mine, You.

Love of mine,
Sweet holder of heart,
A soft touch, nothing short of divine
Leaves me with an unsettling pang,
Knowing that now out parting be soon to come.

Love of mine,
Holder of kiss,
Comparison to greater, its existence be naught.
Would… Could... Fill me with an overwhelming bliss,
Alive with the fire that is you.

Love of mine,
Holder of all that is beauty,
Sight cannot mistake you for illusion, nor
Words paint a picture still held true.
And if only you would let me, I’ll always love you.
I promise to make that my upmost duty,
Longing for nothing, nothing more.

Love of mine,
Now, away from me your part,
Leaving a heavy, empty, lost, and
Measuring seconds that my soul may again be forged anew ,
Into fulfillment of life and happiness returning to,
A nirvana created by a one and only love for who?
Yes, it be true …

The love created by and for the one and only you.

The author's comments:
I was given an assignement in my english class to write some type of poem... The whole time I was writing however, there was this girl, Janin, I couldn't get her out of my head.

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