Nourishing Individuality | Teen Ink

Nourishing Individuality

March 13, 2013
By PixieStripes BRONZE, Winder, Georgia
PixieStripes BRONZE, Winder, Georgia
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You are respected beyond anyone
To me, your love is the priority
You are a ray of light from the warm sun
But beyond your bright light I can not see
I want to be a bird of your feather
But I can not match one of paradise.
See me peeking from a bed of heather?
I'm unsure; I desire your advice
You are a solid oak; I'm an acorn
I need plenty of space to root and grow
Don't worry, I'll be here, no need to mourn
I just need to find my own spade and hoe
In loving whispers we can still mutter
But individually we shall flutter

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