Lost in Shy Love | Teen Ink

Lost in Shy Love

March 24, 2013
By Michelle Altice BRONZE, San Diego, California
Michelle Altice BRONZE, San Diego, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A feeling in my heart that I want to explain.
A want in my life that I try to hide.
When I’m around you I don’t act the same.
I feel like I’m trapped in my mind.
Every time you look at me,
My stomach drops like a rock.
With your amazing eyes as deep as the sea,
I die whenever you talk.
Everyday I walk past you and want to say hi.
I always fail and it consumes me hurt.
Though it may kill me, I’m still way too shy,
Even though it’s just one little word.
I just wish I would be able to say,
That I want to take the time and love you someday.

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