The picture that change me | Teen Ink

The picture that change me

May 13, 2013
By Poetry_wizard_1617 BRONZE, Greenwood, South Carolina
Poetry_wizard_1617 BRONZE, Greenwood, South Carolina
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

As the blood drips from the body
I Think about thee that I have kill
Oh how I feel so naughty
As I walk down the hill
I look up in the great blue sky
And I see that a picture of god
I begin to feel the feeling of hope and I start to cry
As I fall to my knees I think to myself this is odd
How can a all time sinner like me
See this picture and feel this way
As I continue to look at the picture I start to feel free
As I am on my knees I began to pray
As I finish my prayer I no longer feel like a sinner
I feel like god has made me an all new winner

The author's comments:
When I give my life to Christ

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