Whispers | Teen Ink


May 17, 2013
By Palemoone BRONZE, Lapeer, Michigan
Palemoone BRONZE, Lapeer, Michigan
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Stars Can't Shine Without Darkness

Tonight she sings sweet lullabies
Hoping the day will come when she dies
For peoples words are hard and cold
Nothing for her goes untold
Little things are hard to keep
Even when you're counting sheep
Time goes on ever so slowly
Praying one day she won't be lonely
Dripity droop krpluck fatoosh
Sounds of happiness fading away
Sweet depression laughter and cries
stays here until the earth sorely dies
A facelss whisper tells the truth
Assuming life will go obtuse
Life may seem scary and shy
To those who sing sweet lullabies

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