Serenade the Last Golden Sun | Teen Ink

Serenade the Last Golden Sun

May 21, 2013
By wbmusicify BRONZE, Barrington, Illinois
wbmusicify BRONZE, Barrington, Illinois
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

In finding worlds alone beside ourselves,
we startle at the deepened wounds of faith,
from lost due ways upon we’ll never dwell

what sorrows empty like a wounded wraith.

Ignoring now all beauty of the sky,
ourselves we praise without a second thought,
our selfish race lets every value die,
until our burning thirsts are sold and bought.

As every man falls blind to see the sun–
her golden rays now blocked by neon lights–
and we all fail to change what's left undone,
self satisfied white lies betray what’s right.

For fruitless deities we trade the Earth,
as emptiness grows ever into dearth.

The author's comments:
This is a poem about the consumerist society we live in, and it's flawed and deceptive views on life. Our society today is consumed by white lies and false convictions that we must live in a way we were never meant for, a way that is killing the earth we depend upon, destroying the great glory that we did not create.

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