Close your eyes and sleep love | Teen Ink

Close your eyes and sleep love

August 13, 2013
By MollyG. BRONZE, Lebanon, Oregon
MollyG. BRONZE, Lebanon, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
I believe that we all fall down sometimes- Andy Biersack

Close your eyes and sleep love,
Close your eyes and dream.
The battles you faced are over.
The roses withered and dead,
Hold onto your heart love,
There is no fear to dread.
Stitch your heart,
Forgive your enemy,
For the ending has just begun.
Let the past go,
For your future is ahead,
Please do not end up as the broken one.
The pain that you are feeling,
Please know you are not alone.
Hold onto your heart love,
Don’t let it turn to stone.
Your eyes they shine so bright,
The stars cannot compare.
Your thoughts tear you apart,
As you try to breathe in air.
You feel as you are drowning,
In a world full of hurt,
Your mind is like a hurricane,
At which you can’t desert.
The darkness that you dread,
Are only the shadows of your past,
Do not hold onto the darkness love,
The brightness makes it perish and pass.
My heart is always with you love,
As something you can cherish.
Do not regret the memories,
Do not feel any dread.
Close your eyes and sleep love,
Lay down your tired head.

The author's comments:
I wrote this one evening when I was feeling really down. It was kind of a way to tell myself that things would get better in a sense and that I would no longer have to worry; I was somewhat trying to tell myself to let the past go and move on from the things that have hurt me.

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