Sonnet 2.5 | Teen Ink

Sonnet 2.5

December 8, 2013
By ebird2525 BRONZE, St Petersburg, Florida
ebird2525 BRONZE, St Petersburg, Florida
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Leaving my mind, staying put all the while
Going nowhere for what is an escape?
Escape to me is a trick like a smile
Past torn down the treachery of a rape
What you think to set free and you believe
It will ruin. Will shoot down the hoping.
Content, I attempt to convince myself
My own creation, monster lay choking.
To find a way out is not submission
To find a way in is the truer tone
Immersion in the depths of affliction
Can let one be not, or ever, alone.
What makes me turn, and burn and choke and cry
Will be what lets me not end as a lie.

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