Lack of Avarice | Teen Ink

Lack of Avarice

January 16, 2014
By Streusiladei BRONZE, Barrington, Illinois
Streusiladei BRONZE, Barrington, Illinois
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A bragging man once strolled into the square,
He flashed his coin for all the folks to see,
Ladies did swoon and gentlemen did stare,
He belted out an overjoyed decree,
“A horde of riches waits for all of you!”
The man did illustrate, and called upon
his legionnaire of loyal thralls on que,
A golden shower rained to hands ‘till gone,
And cleansed the vermin living poorly fed,
Replaced with happy souls unbound with wealth,
And smiling all the while was he, who said,
“A gift from rich to poor ensuring health!”
Alas his pockets reached an end of gold,
A final word, for joy became too old.

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