Bound and Broken | Teen Ink

Bound and Broken

February 20, 2014
By lilypel99 BRONZE, Bakersfield, California
lilypel99 BRONZE, Bakersfield, California
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

A soaring bird
with wings clipped.
A prancing horse
with hooves chipped.

Perhaps a deer,
as free as can be,
faced with fear
of humanity.

Or a beautiful mermaid,
who can’t swim without fail,
because of a fisherman’s blade
that cut up her tail.

As of today I’m trapped in this brace,
but soon I’ll be back to running with grace.

The author's comments:
I wrote this poem the day after I tore a ligament in my knee. Right at that moment, I was feeling particularly stuck and overwhelmed by the fact that I am unable to walk without crutches, even if it is temporary. I felt like I was broken in some way. I was angry that an injury that happened so suddenly was effecting every area of my life and I was unable to do simple things I took for granted just days before. By writing this, I allowed myself to feel hopeful about the upcoming months. The healing process isn't guaranteed to be easy, and day to day life is exhausting and strenuous, but being hopeful and driven to get back to a hundred percent is getting me through.

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