My Love | Teen Ink

My Love

March 23, 2014
By Jesse Mellon BRONZE, Oakville, Other
Jesse Mellon BRONZE, Oakville, Other
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Her hair flows like a pretty blond river,
Times doesn’t exist with her presence here,
When she is gone my heart obtains a sliver,
My heart expands with love when she is near,
Like a soaring eagle, I feel so high,
Head over heels, for you I have fallen,
Our love is true, strong, this feeling won’t lie,
Love’s at my door, it’s knockin’, it’s callin’,
I will never let you go, no,
Not an option, rather come to an end,
Life without you, unbearable I know,
For you I will always fight and defend,
I will always be there, you make me whole,
Darling I love you, all my heart and soul.

The author's comments:
The love of my life

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