Sticks and Stones | Teen Ink

Sticks and Stones

April 12, 2014
By MitchyT Taskey BRONZE, Yorktown, Virginia
MitchyT Taskey BRONZE, Yorktown, Virginia
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Sticks and stones may break my bones
But words can hurt much more;
Others just don't realize
What goes on behind her door.
She hears them laugh,
She hears the names,
To them it feels
like fun and games.
But to this girl to
Whom the words were shot,
She wasn’t sure if
She wanted to live or not.
But through the years
Of which were hell,
She found a savior
Through him, she became well.

He found her there
In a park, alone,
Head in her hands
Her emotion was known.

He sat beside her
And held her tight;
He wouldn’t leave
‘til she was alright.
He gave her his number
And said to call
If she ever needed
Anything at all.
That next Monday
When school came again,
She waited outside
For that one special friend.

They entered the school
Most people were shocked
To see them together,
Their arms were locked.

He walked her to class
And hugged her goodbye,
The look on her face
She was happy, no lie.
They talked on the phone
Everyday of the week;
Most people would say
Their relationship’s unique .

After a month of just friends
He asked to be more;
She looked at him smiled;
He’s the guy she fell for.
They dated for years
And graduated school,
If he didn’t pop the question
He’d be a fool.

He took her out
To the park one day,
Back to that old tree,
Under it they lay.
He told her the story
Of how he felt
The first time he saw her
As he knelt.

He said the words
“Will you marry me?”

She couldn’t speak,
No words came out,
She nodded her head,
A yes no doubt.

Sticks and stones may break my bones,
But words can hurt much more;
But when you have love
Those words are easier to ignore.

The author's comments:
love story that started with 2 lines and went from there

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