time wasted | Teen Ink

time wasted

April 29, 2014
By RozaSpeed SILVER, Adairsville, Georgia
RozaSpeed SILVER, Adairsville, Georgia
5 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
Dear Algebra,
Stop asking us to find your x
she's not coming back

O, how I do miss thee with all my heart
forever and a day you departed
and she took a token with her apart
I always remember what thy dread
I hoped the end would end different
end of our time together, new start
yet, I am here where you had underwent
I wish you did not make me fall apart
you are gone all I have left is sorrow
your memories haunt my dreams while I'm sleep
my heart always remember tomorrow
even though you are gone now, I still weep
remember , remember this I will do
I will move on with my life like you to

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