The Commisioner | Teen Ink

The Commisioner

May 19, 2014
By Ravengewr14 BRONZE, Hurst, Texas
Ravengewr14 BRONZE, Hurst, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

At the podium stands a lanky man.
Receiving messages every moment
From football teams in need of a plan.
Yet his feet stay glued like quick cement.

Name after name is called as dreams come true,
Pick after pick teams line-ups take their shape.
Suspense builds as trade rumors begin to brew,
Yet the man on the podium stands straight.

The fans in the stands cheer with extreme joy.
Fans sigh with tragedy looming,
GM’s although jump with when they get their boy.
Still, the man stays on the stand that’s ragedy.

He stands there for hours-on-end for 3 days,
The commissioner stands in almost a daze

The author's comments:
Since its April the NFL draft is approaching I wrote a sonnet about the commissioner.

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