All about Her | Teen Ink

All about Her

May 28, 2014
By JacobHavens BRONZE, West Chester, Ohio
JacobHavens BRONZE, West Chester, Ohio
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Her hair flows like wind coursing through sails of a boat. Her eyes sparkle like the stars of a clear summer's night. Her teeth make you stop and take note.Her smile is brighter than a L.E.D. light. Her scent is matched by no other. Her cheeks are red like a rose. Her looks make men stop and stare one after another. Her shape is graceful and everyone knows. Her voice is better than any music known. Her lips are smoother than a granite table. Her hands i wish i could hold them my own. Her walk is unreal like a fable. Although all these things make her fine, I fear I may never be able to call her mine.

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