Lil' Blue | Teen Ink

Lil' Blue

May 29, 2014
By Ash-Hole BRONZE, Sumas, Washington
Ash-Hole BRONZE, Sumas, Washington
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
what you say about me shows alot about you

Blue like the sky she shines beneath the Sun
Her rumble moves the butts within her
As she races down the hill fouls try’n run
But with no regard to others she prrs

She shakes like a rattle snake with high speeds
Diesel trucks cry in her midst due to her voice
After sitting idle, I bless her needs
The sweet brown oil is what she needs to rejoice

Lately she has been putt’in along now
I think Super Duper is harmful
Her insides corrode slowly with chow
But come this summer I will sit mournful

Solid as a rock, quick as bees
I wish you could be mine and I be thees

The author's comments:
i wrote it for shakespear unit in english

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