Forgotten Paradise | Teen Ink

Forgotten Paradise

May 30, 2014
By SamtheDragonman BRONZE, Grants Pass, Oregon
SamtheDragonman BRONZE, Grants Pass, Oregon
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
The sun is a magnificent body, if only I could be so grossly incandescent. Solaire of Astora

With a bunch of fishes and dragons
But none of them want to fly or swim
The dragons always keep giving bargains
And the fish blow around with a chime and a chim
The Birds, though, they get so caught up singing
They sometimes even to forget to breath.
But their tone keeps on in my head ringing
Coming back just to take their wreath
And the Beetles, skittle across the earth
The Beetles as well climb the trees
All filled with wonderful mirth
Their minds getting lost in the breeze
Unfortunately, I’m having a hard time keeping my eyes open
This rigor mortis makes it hard to grab my pen

The author's comments:
I try to be as strange as possible. With a hint sad reality.

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