The Athlete’s Soliloquy (Parody) | Teen Ink

The Athlete’s Soliloquy (Parody)

June 2, 2014
By NomieKnows BRONZE, Frederick, Maryland
NomieKnows BRONZE, Frederick, Maryland
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

To go to practice or not to go to practice that is the question
Whether it is better to do homework and rest,
Taking naps and eating junk food,
Or continue with the sport you have playing ever since you were five
And by opposing, getting no playing time. To practice, to work hard
No more, and by practicing, we will earn
Improvement, a win, a good season
That the coaches and players make happen
Devoutly to be wished.
To practice, to work hard
To work hard; the sweat and hustle we put in. Ay we put in work;
Many whistle blows from the coaches, even when we push it
For the many diatribes from the coaches all practice long,
The infinite demands and complaints from team mates,
Aches and pains from running up and down the court, redoing plays over and over again
And that desperately needed water break, will be finally met,
When practice is over, there is one place I can’t wait to go,
Which is home, where I can rest, eat dinner and do homework.
With this hard day practice finally over
Another practice arrives tomorrow.

The author's comments:
It is one of Hamlet's parody

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