The Rush | Teen Ink

The Rush

June 2, 2014
By Nicolas Calle BRONZE, Quito, Other
Nicolas Calle BRONZE, Quito, Other
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

I feel the cold surround my body side.
The Aspen winter slowly comes to freeze.
My speed is rising as I go on by,
I glide upon the now with gentile ease

I worry I will fling out of control.
The boots I wear do keep me from a slip.
Just one mistake will make my body roll.
I think of this and tighten my own grip.

The trees I see go blurry all around.
My self-reliance assures me of my skill.
Believing i have broken earthly bounds.
I reel to take a glance to see uphill.

The gentile lunges I do with my feet,
Have drawn a trace of me a ski length deep.

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