Love Is Dwelling | Teen Ink

Love Is Dwelling

June 9, 2014
By JustAnotherMe GOLD, Mount Horeb, Wisconsin
JustAnotherMe GOLD, Mount Horeb, Wisconsin
14 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Never say good bye, because good bye means going away, and going away means forgetting."-Peter Pan

The sweetest love we do proclaim my dear
in times well spent we do adore the grace
we’re given in such time is oh, so clear.
In thy arms I found heaven a true place.

Our sighs and laughter in love is dwelling.
Raise up our hopes my love for we have wings.
No simple gift for us to be selling
for we have obtained much simpler of things.

Yet glares and judgment may come all too soon.
Doubts and worry may twist in this sick mind;
for times I may believe in their lone tune.
Even though my dear you are far too kind

to suffer through this dark and doubtful cell.
A love so strong it’s a story to tell.

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