Flirting with Danger | Teen Ink

Flirting with Danger

December 4, 2014
By Kimberly Schuetz BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
Kimberly Schuetz BRONZE, South Plainfield, New Jersey
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

So they say don't be afraid of the dark.
And they say do not walk alone at night.
But I don’t care  I will go to the park.
Where it is darker than black and no light.
If I must leave don’t fight with me to stay.
Your the one who said to do as I please.
So now why don’t you join with me and play.
Then again they always say you're a tease.
I should know better not to flirt with danger.
They always say to think with your head not your heart. 
For all I know I could be in love with a  stranger.
But you make yourself a complete beauty of art.
So if I said I was in love with you I would be lying.
But then again without you in the dark I am dying.

The author's comments:

Would you trust your heart? Or would you trust what your head is saying? 

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