The Truth About Dreams | Teen Ink

The Truth About Dreams

January 23, 2015
By ChermT BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
ChermT BRONZE, Phoenix, Arizona
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

The bright stars come out behind a white cloud
As I fall asleep under my covers,
I dream of happy children shouting loud
Most dream of princesses and their lovers.

“Dreams only come true in child fairytales”
Says the ones who have the ear to hear them
The ones who have their heart struck by a nail
What they don’t know, a dream is a rare gem.

Those who have an ear let him come
So I may tell him the truth about dreams,
The truth I was told by my beloved mum
“Dreams are wishes we make to the stars gleams”.

Yes! Dreams are what we strive for to succeed
Dreams are all we should have to really need.

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