Seasons | Teen Ink


February 12, 2015
By Emma Prowell BRONZE, Lenexa, Kansas
Emma Prowell BRONZE, Lenexa, Kansas
4 articles 0 photos 0 comments

When Spring was here we leapt upon the stars,
We saw the world go by as life stood still,
When morn’ arrived at last you held me tight,
Watching boats sail from on the old green hill.

When summer comes and all the leaves are green,
I’ll whisper through the trees to send you love.
The hot June heat that burns will seem so mean,
But I know you’ll be watching from above.

At last I’ll fade when Autumn leaves fall here,
The rose that marks your grave has long been gone.
I’ll lie right here beneath the leaves my dear,
A grave away I’ll stay when it is dawn.

In winter she will sled where we now lay,
She has your eyes and smile and loves to play.

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