I won the battle | Teen Ink

I won the battle

February 18, 2015
By Anonymous

I met her accidentally on a beach,
She was gorgeous but quiet, but it was nothing I couldn't breach,
I quickly learned she never had a relationship  so talking to her seemed a bit out of reach,
The more we talked the more I got hooked into her and I got attached like a leach,
I told my friends about her and just keep on going about how amazing she is its like I started to give a speech,
Day by day she gave me a new adventure

There was just one issue ,
She was here on vacation and she quickly had to leave so we gave our "I'll miss you",
On the plane she even drew me on a tissue,
It might had been unrealistic  to continue to talk to her but I still did cause i found it beneficial ,
There was something about her I knew what she is worth,
Just talking to her makes it feel like I'm in heaven while in earth ,
I knew she was the one I needed since birth,
Even when I'm sad she puts a smile on my face,
It's like I can be in hell but the sight of her smile takes me to a better place,
It's the type of joy as if I won first place in the race,

I have received good new, she going to near my town,
But there was still bad news to make me frown,
For her to move we would have to wait a year ,
Most people wouldn't wait,
But I did even though waiting for me isn't my best trait,
But i knew I had to wait as I knew our love was great ,
This girl was my best mate,
I spent over year with the only contact I had with her wasthrough a phone,
But the crazy part is even without seeing her my love for her has only grown,
For over a year I never felt her touch, but I never felt alone,
A lot of people thought that the distance our love would be postponed,
But I proved them all wrong and it was well known,

Finally the time is done,
The battle with distance is one that I have won,
She's here she's finally here, we proved them all wrong ,
And although the time was long it doesn't matter cause now we're right where we belong.

The author's comments:

What inspired me to write this is that I conquer what many thought I couldnt 

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