Captain Jack | Teen Ink

Captain Jack

May 29, 2015
By slando1 SILVER, Rye Brook, New York
slando1 SILVER, Rye Brook, New York
9 articles 0 photos 1 comment

Favorite Quote:
Pain, that was not yet the pain of love, fretted his heart.

It was to those words that he lifted his glass
Hoping against hope that the pain might pass.


It was to those promises that his head lay bowed
Cursing his ignorance, with his mind; aloud.


It was to the days that were to be, that his heart did pound
Breaking him, forsaking him, all without a sound.


It was to the air they breathed, shared in eternity
And all that's left? 5 hours and a memory.


It was to the man he could never be, irking him, perverting him

Now he sits back, and watches as those occasions elude him.


It was to her spirit that he dedicated his soul
The spirit that for so long, he longed to control.


It was from her happiness that he now lay broke
Life ate his passion, leaving him a pitiful joke.


And it was to her eternity, that he wanted payback
But in his hand, filled to the brim, sat his new friend,

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