Very Wet | Teen Ink

Very Wet

September 30, 2015
By PigeonGod BRONZE, Flower Mound, Texas
PigeonGod BRONZE, Flower Mound, Texas
1 article 0 photos 0 comments

Favorite Quote:
"Books have to be heavy because the whole worlds inside them" -Cornelia Funke

Sitting in my room, watching the rain fall
The simplest tasks, are always too tall
Sitting in my car, hearing the rain tap
If only I knew, how to read this map
Sitting on a hill, touching each drop
It was as if God, was wringing out his mop
Sitting on the sidewalk, tasting the fall
I would go out and make some friends, if only I'd the gall
Sitting in the closet, feeling all alone
Why am I even here, I wish I were at home

The author's comments:

I'm not depressed or anything, first off. It was just raining really hard and it kind of spoke to me in a way.

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