King of the Night, Slave of the Day | Teen Ink

King of the Night, Slave of the Day

December 19, 2015
By DerekOrenshein BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
DerekOrenshein BRONZE, Los Angeles, California
2 articles 0 photos 0 comments

Night, awaken the game of survival

Morning, home, asleep in branched fort.
Night, the darkness brings forth my revival
Morning, heat, an end to comfort.

Night, soar through the trees, wide eyes on the prey
Morning, helpless to my daytime equals.
Night, all 'fore my might run away
Morning, great wings turn so feeble.

No others bear such a gift as my eyes
Yet only in shadow, greatness revealed.
In brightness of day I ask dearly, why
Hide I from those who in light's absence kneel.

The king of the night in my feathery cowl
Yet in the day I am just a helpless gray owl.

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