Forsaken Fox | Teen Ink

Forsaken Fox

January 19, 2016
By chanizard BRONZE, Houston, Texas
chanizard BRONZE, Houston, Texas
3 articles 0 photos 0 comments

You sneak and sulk under snowy branches
Your bright orange fur stands against white frost
Step softly to avoid avalanches
Hoping the tracks keep you from being lost

A blizzard begins to flurry with rage
Ears pivot to hear past the roaring wind
Trees seem to trap you in a binding cage
Stay alert and survey for foe or friend

Orange fur turns into a splotchy white
Your feet grow tired, your legs start to hurt
Storming snow begins to obstruct your sight
Living asks energy you can’t exert

Shakes and shivers grow stronger with your groan
Cold subsides, along with feeling alone

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